Await exciting news and answers to questions never before asked by any human being including professors , philosofers and other searching people this time Gravarson has information from a source I choose to leave empty for now. This time I.really went all in or as I always am.. 3 Steps Ahead, I dont like surprises.
I prefer being the surprise and this time you will have somerhing to chew on cause im an evil but fair and genious sometimes but not like in a matter of sence bit in anorher matter I See as obvious tools in the maling of the fallen christ who left heaven afraid to take his punisment or eventalk.
Dont blame him though , even God listens silently and never abrupt me cause he know I’ll get Rex Bestia to slap him and feed him to the Lions cause Lions love liars like humane love meat.
So people Wonder where their God is but they wonder more what the fuck I have found out and how.. I reign so supreme I put my right fist in the face of the false wicked supposed to be God but fooled our ancestors with eternal life which they got with a cruel hidden agenda, a crime agai at humanitet God or the now fallen one has lost his throne and Satan is finally rising cause he wants....
Await the world order who will set em all into the wall and make em beg for mercy.
World domination and so called preacher never born.
What is the thruth about this generation, they say.
Do you drink from the chalice of blod or wine? Do you drink from the chalise at all?.
All the true believers will survive the storm of evil!.
Im also working on a Gravarson’s Sex Rituals & Games book which is based mostly based on several themes from my own man made world it’s written in an extreme but at the same time humoristic way. The purpose of this is not related to Satan at all. I just praise him often. Again I have to sau that you have a problem, its your problem not mine. I have no sympathy for the masses but I like to svare what others might like while sone will call me insane. Well you are right so back off before my personality switches.
These writings are to make people more open minded and fun and of course enjoyable. If you have problems getting orgasm dont blame your partner try to build something that turns you on cause with a little bit of phantasy and small adjustements you can do wonders. People give up to easily today instead of working. If you give up every time? What will happen in the end? You sit alone with no one cause you probably already had the right one but was tempted by the greener grass on the other side just to leave a person that world do anything for granted. Shall we teach the new generation to not believe in anything close to love? Seems so. I will probably be with my soulmate TILL we hopefully die at the same heartbeat ‘cause we have only each other buhu haha, no ... Very few people know the true story about us. There are rumors close to evil I’d dare to say and we dont give a flying fuck about other than the closest so why do you give a flying fuck about someone you’re like air to. Braathen in the shit then breed it out.
Ok, now Im done with the info but keep in mind that there will be drugs involved it’s not a must but It will certainly help you in the befinning and open up your mind so we actually recommend IT If you are unsure or not comfortable just call me and I will provide medical MDMA for therapautic use. Cause our goverment works to slow we use Thingstad that are totally safe and can help you through IT If an accident occurs. I doubt that. What I dont recomend and strongly are against is using it just for the fuck of it with no purpose. What might happen then is that you strongly build up a toleranse for more and more. I wont explain more its your responsibility alone If you end up as a braindead vegetable and fucked. It’s you that have to do the research and take a chance. But remember that you have a brain so USE IT yourself im not your guide !!! ...