True Love is unbeatable!

True Love is unbeatable!
True Veins - Technics & Styles

It’s a start to the end.. Or eternal life..

Welcome to the Grand Psychotic Castle Of thousands of thoughtful souls and great people that have been political.





torsdag 19. november 2015

Purple Passion

Why did you leave when I was down and out..

Why  did you say those things?.. Even though my heart is black I feel my blood bruising for you my Master...

You should be honest ad astra and reveal yourself.. 
If it's not Eve you might be Lillith or maybe even an innocent virgin under My Spell. 

Oh, Lord forgive me if I have sinned. I know not what I do...

If you , yeah you.. That came into my coven give me a sign...? 

As far as my eyes noticed you where the closest that evening ...

Are you in for a midsummer nights dream or do I need to hunt once more.. 
I don' t even know the destination.. I went to another century of peace and harmony. 

A path only the strongest of minds will survive ,  one wrong turn.. and vicious nightmares awaits, tearing your soul apart and face the things you've avoided your entire life will haunt you 'until you're locked up in an asylym permanently.

People fear me , laugh or taunt .. Be careful, next is yours....

Becoming... an addict of inner self or worse...

What have I done,
what's becoming of me?
Where did they go?
Where to turn now..
What to do?

Am I just an empty shell or a recently cracked bottle.. 

You tell me... 
So hollow 'n somber it all seems and feels.
Dead on the inside, still alive on the outside.

Hopefully it will come back.. 

Hah, fuck it , let's get wasted and forget our exsistance !

lørdag 26. september 2015

Frigjør Deg Selv

Gjør slutt på all skyldfølelsen, gjør slutt på all sorg og smerte , ikke bebreide deg for ting som har skjedd i fortiden. Ta imot kjærlighet, gi kjærlighet, men pass på deg selv opp i alt,husk at du skal leve selv også.

Vi lever i en åpen verden så slipp alle hemningene og lev fritt, jeg mener ikke at man ikke skal ha følelser ,men hvorfor bebreide seg for noe man ikke behøver ,noe som står i "lærebøker", eller man er/ble opplært til ,være redd mørket, at man skal bebreide seg over eller ha skyldfølelse for eller sørge over, man bestemmer selv over egen vilje,liv og hvilken retning man går.

Man må regne med at ikke alle liker den man er, men tenk på det som deres problem, for jeg mener man har et problem om man henger seg opp i andre sine liv og hva de bedriver med, så sant man ikke plager,forstyrrer eller gjør noen andre noe ondt.
Vi hersker over våre egne liv og kan dermed gjøre det vi vil med det, men må også ta konsekvensene.

Før du klandrer andre, gå inn i deg selv og tenk.

Var det deg selv? Eller var det andre?

Før du dømmer, se på deg selv.

Er du bedre enn andre?

Det man tror/trodde er ikke alltid riktig så se deg rundt en gang til før du vandrer videre.

Respekter andre sine valg og de vil som oftest respektere ditt, om ikke la dem gå forbi.

Finn deg selv og ditt indre, frigjør din sjel og du vil blomstre, vis andre hvem du er og du vil få mot og vær deg selv, da vil du bli lykkelig og finne den indre ro.

  La heller ikke det du tror og mener er rett ta overhånd ,for folk har som nevnt over fri vilje så la dem velge selv og vi vil automatisk få en friere,fredeligere,og mer åpen og harmonisk fremtid og verden.

Raymond S. aka Gravarson 26.09.2015

mandag 31. august 2015


Reincarnation - Radhadesh Ardennen
I had an interesting conversation with a friend the other day. He believes our souls are reincarnated into a new life after death,. I've never really cared or thought to much about that subject before other than some small theories of my own. just out of curiousity. After listening to his theories and thoughts I found it somewhat interesting. That being said, I never said yet that I believe in it as I'm a difficult person to convince when it comes to topics 'out of this world' or should I say ,not yet proven to mankind, if that is possible though. What made me think twice about it was his theories about me and a person I care about which I won't go into here.

 Let's say a child has a rough childhood or a person struggling with issues or any other topic.. He said if someone has a rough life in this life ,they probably had an easy life in the previous and where put to test in this one.

We are after all animals and it's survival of the fittest, so death in inevedable.

 Let's say a child is molested and abused as a child, does that justify that he was a raving lunatic and a mass murder in the previous life or something like that? and in this life is punished?
 Is that heaven & hell, but we don't know it yet?.. Or simply karma? You tell me, I have no clue.

tirsdag 25. august 2015

Den Onde Skattesøkeren

Saalunde haur mine smerteskrik och lat aat mine bloodtaarar. Dykjar vrede och dei demonar som beskyttar skatten maa manes og bindas til dei daude sjeler svinn hen med eim so kunne fortaerd kvar och ein...Sjela so grov ned skatten blei kvalt langsamt slik at ansiktet saag ut hjaa ein likbleike muggost ittekvart..Der Kong Sjelekval startar seie da ikkje stopp foer kvar einaste sjel er toturert og ditt lekam kvestras i bitar, og Sjelekval ...

fredag 7. august 2015

We don't care, we're happy!

A new beginning, a new daylight and a better life for us to come...
We had it all , lost it all.. Found it again just to loose it all over again and die inside.
But for what?...

How come we decided to slowly kill ourselves while havin' fun at a so early stage in life.

Maybe we are immortals or have angels watching over us, protecting us.
Even though we have a long way home , we surely found the path before it was erased forever..
Luckily enough we stay positive and are good partners ..
After all, that's what kept and keep us together and alive for those years, and still will...

Sometimes I wonder if we work twice as hard to keep it together, but I guess we both like to believe it's cause our hearts are at one... We love eachother to death and are happy and safe with what we have.
We always though that was the key to a good life or relationship.

Were we so wrong?.. 

We don't care, we're happy!

onsdag 5. august 2015

Animal Instincts

I scared or should I say surprised myself this summer, to the point of no Return, can't deny what's happened. Sure as hell ain't gonna dwell about it , so I choose to laugh at it and welcome it, what else is there to do. She said it, I fucking went all the way, almost... Thank God for higher Powers and People.

My lips are forever sealed , not because I want.. I just simply can't remember it. You may Wonder why,what and so on .. All I know is that my heart beats and my soul is pure which is good enough for me though.

I saw the look in Peoples eyes, I still do from time to time, I Wonder what the fuck happened With their own? As I smile and think , I am what I am and do what I do and if some People dont like me , fine .. Mission accomplished, but a repeat button?.. Haha, think twice ,as you look into my eyes!

søndag 5. juli 2015

Vegledaren du aldri saa...

Ser jeg ut som din veileder...
Ser jeg ut som din aandsfrende, eller fiende av ditt aandedrett!?
Din ledsager gjennom et iskaldt moerke og over det raatne likvann til du gurgler av naade ,
men ei varme faar, du vet saa godt at her han Sjelekval raar...

Vi er demoner av ukjente dimensjoner, som faar styrke fra innhentede sjeler.
Der man mister noe, men samtidig faar mye.
Lyta alt attende i det dunkle virvar av halvraatne lik som flyt omkring i ein damp saa uutholdeleg at ikkje ei sild vil krossa staden.
Ser eg deg , vil eg traakka i dine spor?
Lat oss traakka deg soender og og saman dar du ligg i kloakken og gret blandt blodige lemlesta naaleputer og bidrar til Noregs olje.
Du burde vite bedre en å tråkke Sjelekval på tåa...

tirsdag 14. april 2015

A Flash In The Corridor Of Serotonin

Peter drew down the sun out of pure imagination,curiousity and willpower. He witnessed aflash in the corridor of serotonin. He asked Abel : Can you draw me down from here? Abel : Why do you want to go lower? Peter : What? I said higher!

fredag 9. januar 2015


Da den bitende kulden la seg og solen sluknet rundt den råtne gamle huset, la lik etter lik kvalt og naglet opp til veggen, til og med vagina fikk en propp i seg, for dette var en kvinne så ond at til og med de eldre ble usikker en stund. Der barna hylte, begynte Satan å le, for Jesus, han gadd ikke mer. Så satan fikk fri tøyler til å gjøre hva Han vil den kvelden da bålet brente ved Lyderhorn. Fatal Error 408! Turn of your computer asap!

onsdag 7. januar 2015

The Future...

We need to understand that I has chosen to live forever and thus I live as they expected me to, or He taugth me in 4 years if you like. I believe in eternal life and therefore I decide not to identify myself with other human beings, we are all idividuals, we all have our roles to play. Do not fear the planet or others because of where they come from , have been,seen, or was here. Everybody makes failures, it's in natures instinct. No, Once , no one can deny it. Feel it ,embrace it and be thankful for the blessings you have been given in life. If you suffer you suffer, If you don't , you don't. We need to share and stop the greed. What we do is what we believe is best for mankind and future genereacations to come, we re * search for a better There is a power above us which is unknown for mankind. As long as you do no evil, hear no ,evil ,see no evil ,nothing shall happen. We are the happy generation. All we want is peace.

mandag 5. januar 2015

The secret aget with a boyfriend from hell

I am the child of silence, I am the bringer of the North, I search the universe for darkness. I am WAr.
She is the light,the goddess of 'em all, Her identity is unknown to most, but I stripped her at first meet.
Beneath her coat is a hidden secret for me to unravel as we travel through the mist forest.
The moon shines upon as as we walk on towards the lake, she is quite silent. I think she is afraid of what I might do with a good reason ,and surely she is on to something, she just don't know what. This is exactly how I wanted it to be.
She's a virgin and don't know what what to do as I slowly undress her with my imagination. I notice her insecurity via her body language and short words.
Here have some liquor I tell her.... 
She is not suspicious as I give her the drink, and after a while I notice she feels more comfortable.
Is she dangerous?
All of a sudden pops into my mind, after all I don't know jack shit about her besides the agency.

Raymond S. 15

A call...

A call from the grave. A call from the elder. An urge to kill., what is to be humanity today. A call to make 'em fall. Stand tall and you will enter the hall and get your call from a grave.
Raymond Storebø aka Gravarson